Investor pitching and summer drinks

We were delighted to hold our regular investor pitching session yesterday, very kindly hosted by Deloitte. Investors heard from several Insurtech UK members demonstrating their companies innovative technologies in the sector.

A huge thank you to all the investors who attended, and thank you to all the members who pitched:

  • Breez
  • Incited
  • Kidbrooke
  • KIWU
  • Peaccce
  • Previsico
  • Root

Thanks as well to John Warburton for providing us with opening remarks, and to Nick Bowker and Adam Knight for hosting us. Insurtech UK is looking to hold another pitching session towards the end of year, details of which will be announced closer to the time.

It was also great to see so many Insurtech UK members and partners at the summer drinks afterwards!

After a summer break, we'll be back with plenty of events and from September onwards!