Insurtech UK and Deloitte IP event

We are pleased to invite you to an event hosted in collaboration with our partner Deloitte. The event, part of Deloitte's Insurtech Breakfast Series for Insurtech Founders, CEOs, CFOs and Investors, will take place on Thursday 6th June at the Deloitte Academy, 1st Floor, 1 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3HQ.

The Value of IP - Practical insights and networking for Insurtech Founders, CEOs, CFOs and Investors - Thursday 6th June, 8.30am-10.30am

Joined by colleagues from Deloitte Legal and Deloitte's specialist Innovation Taxes & Incentives team, during this session, we will explore how intellectual property can bring incremental value to Insurtech start-ups and scale-ups. We will provide strategies and topics to help you maximise these assets as you scale, aim for acquisition, or prepare for a sale or IPO.

The discussion will cover the essential elements of your IP portfolio that investors and acquirers will scrutinise during an IP due diligence exercise. We will also highlight potential risks, pitfalls, and opportunities regarding IP for Insurtech, including leveraging tax incentives and innovation schemes. By the end of this session, you will be better equipped to prepare for IP-related events and make informed decisions about your IP assets.


  • 08:30am – Networking breakfast
  • 09:00am – Welcome introduction from Melissa Collett, CEO of Insurtech UK
  • Market update on the current M&A landscape – Leonid Levin, Director, M&A Advisory, Deloitte
  • Leveraging Value from IP – Jeremy Harris, Partner, IP Lawyer, Deloitte Legal
  • R&D tax aspects – Reena Malde, Director, R&D Tax Services, Deloitte
  • 09:45am – Q&A
  • 10:00am – Networking

Email for registration details.

A light breakfast will be provided - please advise the team at Deloitte of any dietary requirements.Please note this event is only for senior management teams and investors in Insurtech.